Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Book 16 - Father and Son

So at this point, I am still only relaying the story Hermes told me. When we last left off, Telly was going to Eumaeus' hut. Now, he has, and when he did, he found the swineherd talking with me, except I was in the disguisethat Athen put on me. Euameus suggested that I was staying with Telemachus at the palace. But Telemachus was afraid of what the suitors might do to them. Eumaeus then went to the palace alone to tell Penelope that her son had returned. When we father and son were alone in the hut, Athena appearred to me and called me outside. When I reentered the hut, my old-man disguise was gone, and I stood in the pristine glory of my heroic person. At first, Telemachus couldn't believe his eyes, but then we two embraced and wept. I recounted my trip with the Phaeacians and then began plotting the overthrow of the suitors. I formulated a plan to launch a surprise attack from within the palace: I would enter disguised as a beggar and Telemachus would hide the palace’s surplus arms where the suitors couldn't easily reach them. The two of us would then seize the arms and slaughter the suitors. Before Eumaeus could give Penelope news of Telemachus’s return, the messenger from the ship arrived and informed the entire palace that Telemachus has returned. Damn him and his big mouth! What, did he think that the suitors would give him a reward for telling them that? Everyone wants to satisfy their Ids. The suitors, dejected that their plot has failed, huddled outside to plan their next move. Antinous recommended putting Telemachus to death before he could call an assembly at which the suitors’ dirty schemes can be aired, but Amphinomus, one of the more thoughtful and well-behaved suitors, persuaded the others to wait for a sign from the gods before doing anything so rash. Penelope later found Antinous in the palace and denounced him for the plot against her son, the details of which Medon had overheard and revealed to her earlier. Eurymachus succeeds in calming Penelope down with his lies and false concern for the safety of Telemachus. One thing is for sure, the first one I'm going to kill is that ungrateful ******* Antinous! That guy pisses me off!!! My New Trier Helper was reminded of this part of my story by the part in Finding Nemo where Nemo was caught by the giant net and Merlin was getting really worried about loosing Nemo again, just before they start to fight the net.

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